Executive and Life Coaching

Where professional excellence & personal fulfillment meet

About Me

Supporting individuals and groups to achive their goals

Born in Costa Rica, holder of a Bachelor Degree in Marine Biology and a Master’s Degree in International Environmental Law, I started working as an executive coach in 2013. I had already a wide range of professional experiences through more than 10 years of work in conservation project management and research.

Coaching Services

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching can benefit every company member, most notably: CEOs, executives, managers, and high potentials.


My role is also that of a translator / integrator
between the different components of an organization, team or person.

Life Coaching

I help my clients identify and formulate root problems and solutions activating the power of language.


Women: Recognizing our Value, We take Back our Power!

¨Women belong to all places where decisions are made “ Ruth Bader Ginsburg The role of women in society has changed dramatically in the last 100 years. Nowadays, almost globally, women’s conditions in terms of education and their inclusion in the workforce have drastically improved. However, it is important to remember that gender equity is […]

El post covid: ¿y si los bomberos tuvieran la solución?

Escrito por: Laurence de Fontaney y Emelina Corrales Según algunos analistas, la recesión que sigue a la crisis sanitaria es al menos cinco veces mayor que la de 2009. Es gigantesca. Cuando las empresas comienzan una re-estructuración importante, desencadenarán el círculo vicioso: desempleo, quiebras, más desempleo. Algunas compañías perdieron casi toda su actividad en las […]

Post-covid: what if firefighters had the solution?

Written by Laurence de Fontenay and Emelina Corrales According to some analysts, the post-covid recession is likely to be at least more than 5 times bigger than 2009. This is massive! When companies start huge restructurings, they will trigger the vicious cycle: unemployment, bankruptcies, more unemployment…  Some companies lost almost all their business in the […]

Contact Us

Telephone: + 33(0) 695036332
Email: hello@vastmindcoaching.com
Address: Thénac, Dordogne
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